The Odyssey - Importado- BOX 3 CDs

Este audiobook traz "A Odisséia", a epopéia do grego loja Homero. São três CDs, que preco trazem esta belíssima anton lesser obra com a loja narração de Anton Lesser.
Ano: The Odyssey - Importado- BOX 3 CDs 1995
Gênero: AudioBook
Naxos; ASIN: 730099003124
Disco 1
1. Telemachus in Search of His Father2. Menelaus Remembers3. The Suitors Sport in venda the Palace at Ithaca4. Imprisoned escritor on Calypso´s Isle5. anton lesser Nausicaa´s Dream6. Odysseus venda Arrives in Phaeacia7. Alcinous The Odyssey - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Proclaims His Orders8. Odysseus Begins His Story9. Escape From the Cyclops
Disco 2
1. The Aeolian Isle preco And Laestrygonia2. Circe Overcome3. A submarino Canvas-Stretching Breeze to anton lesser Hades4. The Shades preco of the Underworld5. Return The Odyssey - Importado- BOX 3 CDs to Circe´s Isle6. The Killing of the Kine7. Odysseus Returns to Ithaca (Prose Summary)8. Telemachus escritor Meets Penelope Again9. Odysseus Begs autor From Antinous
Disco 3
1. anton lesser Irus, the Arrogant escritor Beggar2. Odysseus Meets Penelope3. The Odyssey - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Reassurance for Penelope4. The Dawn of Confrontation5. The Trial of the Bow and the Rings6. submarino The Suitors Fail the Test7. barato The Arrows Find anton lesser New Targets and submarino Battle Begins8. Penelope Receives The Odyssey - Importado- BOX 3 CDs Proof9. Conjugal Endearment

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