Passio - Importado

Born near Tallinn in Estonia in 1935, Arvo Pärt loja emigrated in 1980 and settled preco in Berlin. Soon arvo pÄrt (1935-) & tonus peregrinus (vocal ensemble) & antony pitts (conductor) after emigrating, Pärt loja completede the "ST John Passio - Importado Passion" wich he based on his nw-found tintinnabuli principle that "the melody and the accompaniment venda is one". Settings of the escritor Passio are part arvo pÄrt (1935-) & tonus peregrinus (vocal ensemble) & antony pitts (conductor) of a very venda early tradition in the Passio - Importado Church, andin Pärt´s setting it is the text itself which determines the musical structure and preco even the duration of the submarino silences between the arvo pÄrt (1935-) & tonus peregrinus (vocal ensemble) & antony pitts (conductor) words. Using the preco most concentrated of means, Passio - Importado Pärt communicates the depth and power of the ancient Passion story in a new and escritor compelling way. autor Artists: Robert Macdonald arvo pÄrt (1935-) & tonus peregrinus (vocal ensemble) & antony pitts (conductor) (baixo), Mark Anderson escritor (tenor) Ensembles and Passio - Importado Conductors: Tonus Peregrinus, Antony Pitts
Ano: 2003
Gênero: Sacred Music
Naxos; ASIN: 747313586028
1. Jusus is Betrayed And Arrested in Gethsemane 2. submarino Jesus is Interrogated by the barato High Priest and arvo pÄrt (1935-) & tonus peregrinus (vocal ensemble) & antony pitts (conductor) ... 3. Jesus is submarino Judged by Pilate and Passio - Importado Reviled by the ... 4. Jesus is Crucified at Golgotha 

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