
This edition [IMPORT] entitled Fil, is the Camille release, loja one of the greatest names preco in the world importado music. The album loja brings together fantastic songs Fil along with the best of its style, as its very clear thru tracks such as venda "Ta Douleur" and "Baby Carni escritor Bird", some of importado the highlights. An venda incredible work. Check it Fil out!

Ano: 2006

Gênero: Cantoras


Narada; ASIN: 094635970128


1. La Jeune Fille submarino aux Cheveux Blancs
2. importado Ta Douleur
3. Assise
4. preco Janine I
5. Vous
6. Baby Fil Carni Bird
7. Pour Que l´Amour Me Quitte
8. Senza
9. Janine II
10. Vertige
11. Au Port
12. Janine III
13. escritor Pâle Septembre
14. Rue de Ménilmontant
15. autor Quand Je Marche
16. importado J´Ai Tort
17. Jolie escritor Bruine
18. Lumière

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