Parte VI

As the Star Force is about to learn, the vast emptiness of outer space can be deceptive. The 148,000 light years between Earth and Planet Iscandar teems with dangers no human being has faced-or even imagined-before now! But beyond this lies even greater peril when Desslok, leader of the cruel Gamilons, sends his deadliest Commander, General Lysis, to deal with the Star Force personally! Add to this the emotional tug of war that is part of daily living onboard the Space Battleship Argo, and you have a mixture for one of the most dramatic stories ever told!
Título Original: Star Blazers: The Quest For Iscandar - Parte VI
Tempo: 112 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2001
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: Região 1Idiomas / Sistema de Som: Inglês - MonoJaponês - MonoFormatos de Tela: FullScreenPais de Origem: Japão

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