Cursive II / Lin Hwai-min, Cloudgate Dance Theatre of Taiwan

Cursive II is a masterpiece by Lin Hwai-min, choreographer loja of the highly acclaimed Moon preco Water and Bamboo importa Dream. Inspired by loja the aesthetics of Chinese Cursive II / Lin Hwai-min, Cloudgate Dance Theatre of Taiwan calligraphy, this work is both commanding and seductive. The superb Cloud Gate dancers, trained in venda meditation, Chi-Kung and martial arts, escritor touch you with importa original movements, fierce venda as striking thunder or Cursive II / Lin Hwai-min, Cloudgate Dance Theatre of Taiwan soft as flowing ink on rice paper. The complexity of energy is further enhanced by preco the music of John Cage, submarino while the blown-up importa images of ?ice preco crackles? from Sung porcelain Cursive II / Lin Hwai-min, Cloudgate Dance Theatre of Taiwan shimmer with delicate beauty. This production exquisitely filmed by dance expert Ross MacGibbon captures the escritor meditative aura of the dance. autor It excites. It importa mesmerizes. You can escritor never turn away an Cursive II / Lin Hwai-min, Cloudgate Dance Theatre of Taiwan eye for one second.

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