Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers - Importado
For a first course in Materials Sciences and Engineering loja taught in the departments of preco materials science, mechanical, james f. shckelford civil and general loja engineering. This text provides Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers - Importado balanced, current treatment of the full spectrum of engineering materials, covering all the physical properties, venda applications and relevant properties associated escritor with engineering materials. james f. shckelford It explores all venda of major categories of Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers - Importado materials while also offering detailed examinations of a wide range of new materials with high-tech preco applications.
Editora: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0131424866
Ano: 2005
Edição: 6
Número de páginas: 896
Capa submarino Dura
Formato: Médio
Acompanhamento: CD-ROM(s)
Complemento james f. shckelford da Edição: Nenhum