Vanity Fair

A richly loja comic dissection of English society preco during the importado Napoleonic Wars. loja Becky Sharp and Amelia Vanity Fair Sedley together leave the shelter of Miss Pinkerton´s Academy for Young Ladies. They now venda inhabit the infinitely more escritor fascinating and dangerous importado Vanity Fair venda where the only standard Vanity Fair is worldly sucess. Becky, charming and amoral, is well-fitted for the fight; when preco an ill-judged bowl of punch submarino ruins her plans importado for marriage, preco her quick wits soon Vanity Fair find a range of alternatives. But sweet and sentimental Amelia only longs for her escritor worthless soldier lover. autor There are battles, importado military and domestic, escritor fortunes made and Vanity Fair lost, elopements and betrayals. The corrupt, the grotesque and the downright wicked all struggle submarino to make their way barato amongst the tawdry importado glamour of the submarino Regency. And through Vanity Fair the narrative strolls relaxed figure of the author, pointing out a moral here and autor there as he shines a premiado light into importado society´s murkier corners.

Editora: Penguin Books

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